LIBE 477B: Reading Review Part A


My interests lie in the areas of 21st-century learning, learning how to teach "STEAM" (Science, Technology,  Engineering, Art, Math) and critical thinking.  

I believe these three areas overlap and are areas I know little about.  Although I have had some training on teaching critical thinking, I by no means feel confident because I don't fully understand "how to teach critical thinking."

As soon as some of us teachers hear the term "STEAM" (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) we freeze!  What?  I have no clue what you are talking about?  What happened to STEM?  How did STEM now become STEAM?  All the questions that came up when the concept of STEM, now STEAM surfaced. 

Being in a small isolated community the idea of STEM/STEAM came to us much later than others.  Professional development opportunities are limited as is our access to technology, teaching supplies and resources.  

My personal reaction to teaching STEAM was instant FEAR!  But as we all know, so many things change in our chosen careers and we have to just learn to go with the flow.  

It is our responsibility to ensure that our students become 21st-century learners.  This creates a new learning curve for us as educators.  

I have to come out of my comfort zone of textbooks and tests and allow for students to learn based on something that will create a passion for learning.  

I am interested in learning about 21st-century learning because that is something that is lacking in our school.  Our print reference area is outdated, our school and our teachers have limited training in teaching the concepts of STEAM and we seem to be in the dark ages when it comes to teaching with technology in our school.

For the sake of our students I must take a leap of faith, rise to the occasion and take a healthy risk as I am always telling our children to do.  I am accepting the challenge to learn more about how to teach STEAM and critical thinking.   I want my students to be 21st-century learners and thinkers.  

I would like to learn nore about Information Literacy  focusing specifically on Media Literacy, Research and Library Skills and Critical Literacy, the Information Ethics will blend into all topics naturally.  

Critical thinking also ties into what I know about 21st century learning.  Students need to be able to think critically based on their interests and things they are passionate about.  As quoted in the text Why School, by Will Richardson Stephen Downes states "we have to stop thinking of education as something that is delivered to us and instead see it is something that we create for ourselves" (LOC: 129)

Speaking for myself, I have experimented with teaching critical thinking and project based learning and have, whenever possible integrated technology (based on my limited experience) into my teaching.  

I am keen to learn!  I want my students to feel confident in "managing the growing complexity of the world" as described by CEO's when asked "to name the most crucial factor for future success" (Richardson, Will., 2012. Why School? Loc: 144 of 620).   

I am interested in learning more about digital literacy, which I believe ties right in with the concepts I am curious about.  

Through searching I found a website called SEESAW.  Is this considered digital literacy?  I am so out of my league!

It is free (so far) and I can set up accounts for my students!  There are activities that I can "assign" to each student.  This looks like a user friendly site that would be beneficial to my class and our school.  Is this digital literacy?

I also checked out Google Classroom which needs a domain name($17.00, which I would be willing to pay if this was useful to me) and to be hooked up through your institution (which is reasonable).  I went to sign up but stopped after a certain point until I can speak to our school computer technician. 

I also came across an interesting website called ePEARL created by Concordia University.

It looks like a fabulous resource but seems more suited for someone who is extremely knowledgeable about technology and very organized.  I wasn't able to determine the cost of this program.  

As I am searching the different terms in my area of interest I am finding everything so overwhelming and time consuming.  I have to keep coming back to having a "growth mindset" and using the tools I have learned to help me when I am feeling overwhelmed.  Can the idea of growth mindset tie in with what we are learning regarding digital literacy?

I looked at various websites and readings about 21st-century learning and am looking forward to "broadening my horizons" in our PLN.,students%20thrive%20in%20today's%20world.


  1. Wow, this was a great, detailed and passionate brainstorm on some early ideas for your inquiry. You've identified and discussed STEM/STEAM as a opportunity to push your own knowledge and understanding a little bit deeper to better support your students, colleagues and school. You've also already started to identify and explore some potential resources (Part B) which will help in your next steps. Your authenticity and sharing of your own fears and concerns is super helpful for others as they can also share and connect in your challenges and perhaps find comfort in knowing we are all in the same boat! Overall, a well done first post.


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