LIBE 477 B: Module 6: Developing our Skills, Embracing Lifelong Learning While Inspiring 21st-Century Learners

They say "ignorance is bliss."  Wow!  Before working on this project, I had no idea the vast amount of resources and training that  is available to me.  

I am interested in 21st-Century learning and integrating STEM/STEAM into my classroom.  I am honestly overwhelmed at the prospect of "self-initiated" projects.  After getting past the hurdles of living in a remote community with limited resources and the lack of professional  development opportunities I realize there are many ways to improve my skills, explore new learning and make new connections.  

Upon searching I have found many useful websites and training opportunities.  First, I would work on utilizing the Spiral Playbook to learn how to lead "with an inquiring mindset in school systems and schools" (Canadians for 21st Century Learning and Innovation, 2017).

"The Spiral Playbook offers a concise introduction to an evidence-based model of collaborative inquiry"  (p. 7).  Using this resource will help me to organize my ideas and provide an outline for creating a plan.  Currently I am very overwhelmed and have many ideas and areas that I would like to explore.  

For the sake of time (which most of us are lacking) I will need to narrow my ideal training and focus on areas that will be achievable and timely.  

I was inspired by my classmates to take another look at Twitter.  I avoid Twitter because it is very distracting and time consuming.  I was reminded that Twitter is also useful for building my PLN (Personal Learning Network). 

I have found many useful opportunities to learn.

Edutopia is one of my favourite sites to go to.  It is informative, current and user friendly.  I found some interesting articles that I would use to kickstart my learning journey.  

The first article I would peruse would be the 11 Habits of the Effective Teacher.  I figure I might as well start at the beginning lol.

Out of the 11 habits (Carrie Lam, 2014)  there are 4  where I would require further training and ongoing support. 

  1. Gets Personal:  I am lacking in knowing my students personally:  We do an "all about me" assignment at the beginning of the year which does give me an insight into their likes and interests.  I will need to inquire further in this area to get to know students better.
  2. Stays Organized:  This is one area that I have been working on and am getting better at!  I will admit that I will require ongoing support and change of habits in order to fully meet expectations in "being organized"
  3. Finds Inspiration:  Before taking this course I have always embraced professional development opportunities especially since being able to do much of the training and workshops online.  In researching for this assignment I have found many areas of inspiration and am eager to learn.  Narrowing my choices of areas to improve or exploring new learning is going to be the difficult part.  
  4. Embraces Change:  It is difficult to embrace change when you feel isolated and unaware of current pedagogy related to 21st-century learning, digital technology etc.  I am embracing change and excited to learn more about integrating STEAM into my classroom/school and enhancing our digital technology awareness.  

The next area I would explore is also based on an article found on Edutopia:  How to Foster Self-Motivation in High School by Anne M. Fein, (2021).  

Although I teach elementary grades exploring this article would be for my own benefit as well as my students.  Finding inspiration and having students self-motivated to learn is a refreshing way to teach. Fein describes ways of inspiring students' learning for the joy of learning—so that they are open to persisting when challenged by an assignment or instruction. If any learner perceives a task as impossible due to a lack of confidence or skills, self-motivation suffers" (2021).  
Admittedly, any tips to assist with procrastination are appreciated.  Fein quotes Ferrari's 3 types of procrastinators:  "(thrill seekers, avoiders, and indecisives) and suggests that resolving procrastination issues starts with recognizing whether the delay comes from a desired adrenaline rush of last-minute work (thrill), a lack of confidence (avoidance), or a challenge with decision-making (indecisiveness)" (Fein, 2021).  

I believe that my procrastination stems from a lack of confidence.  Although ample support has been offered, I am not one to "reach out" and ask for help.  I have difficulty connecting with others (because it is remotely?) I am not sure.  Having to admit that I don't have a clue is hard for me to do.  

I am learning how to get past the barriers to improving my practice.  One barrier is procrastination which turns disastrous when "real life" gets in the way.  (Although I don't react as strongly as the image, procrastination can result in a high stress mode)

I am aware of the fact that my assignments being late is a barrier to participating in and developing a Personal Learning Network.  I will persist as learning about and inspiring 21st-century learners is my goal.  

Thankfully we have an instructor that understands. "When teachers are patient and coach students using a specific set of strategies that promote focus and attention, they can help them to prepare for healthy, engaged, and productive lifelong learning" (Fein 2021).  

There are many areas I am interested in to explore new learning.  I have found numerous websites and connections that will assist me in being able to integrate digital technology into our school, embed STEAM inquiry projects into my teaching practice and inspire 21st-century learners.

I found a useful article with a list of 15 characteristics of a 21st-Century teacher.  I will definitely have this handy as I contemplate my learning journey.

The first training session I have researched is a free online interactive training session that provides instruction on "Teaching Digital Citizenship". The course is an hour in duration and "will introduce everything you need to know about digital citizenship".

The next area I will explore to integrate STEM/STEAM into my classroom and our school is from a website called Jason Learning.         

There are many learning and teaching opportunities both for free and for a cost on this website.  After researching the site I feel that it will be a valuable resource for professional development for myself and my students.  

Although an American resource, Jason Learning will meet my needs for exploring how to integrate STEM/STEAM into my classroom and our school.  

Further training is available online that is available to include my class.  With technology like the Smartboard our whole class can participate in a Jason presentation.  There is a cost but I would be willing to pay if it will benefit my students.

To further develop my digital technology skills I would like to learn more about FreshGrade.  I became interested and reached out to a principal in our district for more information on how they distribute their report cards.  

I became interested in the program after being concerned about student participation and commitment to their work and the limited ways in which to collaborate and communicate with parents.  I am hoping that it will also be a better way for me to assess students' learning and give them an opportunity to share their projects and research with each other and their families.  

I have created a class page and added students to a list.  There is a lot more to learn to create portfolios and connect student's learning with their parents.  I am anticipating using this program for my final project. 

Another program I have come across that I would like to look into is the Read and Write Free for Teachers Program.  This program looks similar to the Kurzweill program which I currently use to meet the diversities my classroom.  Kurzweill seems to have a stigma attached for some students so am willing to try anything that will assist students combat the barriers to their learning.  

Since learning about the importance in integrating STEM into my classroom and inspiring 21st-century learners I have also joined a group called Let's Talk Science and have booked a presentation for my class on April 12th.  We will be learning about Newton's Car?  I am walking the talk and integrating STEAM into my classroom with the help of UVIC and the Let's Talk Science Program:

I am also mindful of living in a remote area with limited resources.  I will also reach out to websites and programs that come from an indigenous perspective.  We are mandated in our province of BC to integrate indigenous content into our teaching in all grades across all subjects and to adopt the First Peoples Principles of Learning.  

I will make the commitment to meet the goals of our school district's Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement and refer to the following website for ideas and inspiration.  We must remember that we don't have to reinvent the wheel!  

Although there are many barriers to my learning how to inspire 21st-century learners and train for integrating STEAM into my classroom I realize that by adopting a growth mindset, and researching opportunities and programs that I can overcome those hurdles.

In one way the Covid-19 pandemic has made things more accessible in the way of remote learning.  So much is being done in the way of distance education that a whole new world has been opened up to me.  

I am excited about the direction my learning journey is taking me.  Both my class and my practice are about to undergo a transition that is positive and crucial to our children's education.  Bring it on!  


Aboriginal enhancement agreement 3:  School district no. 85-Vancouver Island North (2018).  Retrieved from

Fein, M. (2021).  How to foster self-motivation in high school.  Retrieved from

First peoples principles of learning [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Freshgrade [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Freshgrade:  My class [Web page]. (2021).  Retrieved from

In the field:  On and offline with Jason, grades 4-10 [Web page]. (n.d.).  Retrieved from

Kurzweill 3000 [Web page]. (n.d). Retrieved from 

Kurzweill 3000 Training [Web page]. (n.d).  Retrieved from 

Kaser, L. & Halbert, J. (2017).  The spiral playbook:  Leading with an inquiring mindset in school systems and schools. C21: Canada.

Lam, Carrie.  (2014).  11 Habits of an effective teacher.  Retrieved from

Let’s talk science [Web page] (n.d.).  Retrieved from  

Palmer,  Tsisana. (2015).  15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher:  A teacher reflects on our changing society and how change informs what teaching is like today.  Retrieved from

Real-world STEM education for the classrooms of tomorrow [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Stem for indigenous learners [Web page]. (n.d.).  Retrieved from 

Teaching Digital Citizenship Training [Web page] (n.d.).  Retrieved from

The best stem curriculum packaged for the classroom [Web page]. (n.d.).  Retrieved from 



  1. A very comprehensive post exploring so many of the topics and ideas you are interested in exploring. So many resources and useful guides, organizations, tools and communities to tap into. This was an open, honest and powerful narration of your goals, approaches, and new learning. I appreciate the extensive collection and citations of your resources, screenshots and links to further explore. I also am heartned by your kind words! Great post.

  2. Wow! Your extensive list is very comprehensive and it looks like a great list of articles to help an anxious teacher try to include some of these different techniques into their practice. I hope that your confidence grows through out this course and that you find yourself using some of these wonderful ideas in your class!


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