There are many different directions I could take in recommending or responding to our school's needs regarding information and communication technology (ICT).  Without speaking or collaborating with the staff(since it's Spring Break)  regarding this issue I will focus on what I think based on observation and past practice.  

Our school has slowly become more and more technology savvy.  Almost all of the classrooms have Smartboards, computers in the classroom, access to laptops, Chromebooks and I-Pads.  Some of the classrooms use a program called Kurzweill to assist with reading and writing, intermediate students know how to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to share their learning and children from kindergarten to grade 7 know how to access websites, games and computer programs.  

Myself and some of the special education assistants are aware of and use a service called ARC BC where you can access training and the ability to download books and resources to be used with programs like Kurzweill and Chromebook.  

I believe all staff own or have access to a cell phone. 

Kurzweill is a licensed program that is purchased by our district.  I use it a lot to meet the needs of a highly diverse class.  I personally feel our school would benefit from more staff knowing how to use the program.  Training is available through ARC BC and through our district Assistive Technology Assistant, Nadia Wilson, SD # 85, Vancouver Island North.

ARC BC is an excellent place for learning about ICT.  You have to be registered to access downloadable resources from ARC BC.  Once registered you can download books and resources to be used with the Kurzweill program.  If our school community is interested in learning more about Kurzweill and Designing for Inclusion, we can easily access training through ARC BC.  

"Learning materials in digital alternate formats from ARC-BC are accessible to registered users only. Registration is restricted to educators in British Columbia who are supporting students with perceptual disabilities and who are employed by BC school districts or independent schools that are part of the ARC-BC Community."

I use Kurzweill as a tool that can read text to students and foster independence.  There are many ways in which the program can be utilized and is accessible to all ages.  I download text books for the Smartboard, novels and other books for students and can "print" to Kurzweill from the internet, which then reads the text or website to the student.  

There are many tools available that are useful for both teaching and learning.  There is much more to learn about the program and I would be interested in developing my knowledge and encouraging the use of the Kurzweill program.  

Admittedly though, I have been working at the same school for the last 15 years and there hasn't been much call or interest for learning Kurzweill.  

I use it frequently and encourage our education assistants to use it.  Interest in the program is evident but I am not sure if all of the school staff would embrace an opportunity to learn about it.

I would like to encourage my colleagues to jump on the inspiring "21st-century learners" bandwagon by adopting the Freshgrade program for our school.  The more I learn about and explore the advantages of using the program the more I would like to encourage others to use it too!  All of our staff could contribute and assist students in accessing, contributing to, and uploading, and reviewing their portfolios.  

I am currently navigating the program and feel it would be beneficial for our school to adopt freshgrade to enhance communication between home and school.  I would be willing to learn the program to further inspire teachers and staff in our school to do the same.

I am also interested in learning about how to use Google Classroom in our school.

There is an immediate barrier to learning about the program since we have to be set up through school administration, whereas freshgrade allows you to sign up individually with the name of your school and your district e-mail address.  For obvious reasons I am more apt to explore freshgrade since it is immediately accessible. 

 In order to teach 21st-century learners we have to access training to be 21st-century educators.  I would begin supporting our school community by referring them to the article 15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher as a discussion starter.  ( I might even leave it on the staff-room table to gauge interest lol).  Halbert and Kaser remind us that "the pull of curiosity can be more powerful than the push of policy" (2017, The Spiral Playbook, p. 36).

I believe that my new passion for learning lies in aspiring to be a 21st-century teacher. 

Reflecting on my own journey around professional development I realize that whoever is "suggesting" or "encouraging" we go in a certain direction with our learning, they need to be knowledgeable, excited and willing to learn themselves. 

This will be the approach I would take with our school.  I will hope to share my enthusiasm regarding freshgrade, STEM and the aspiration of becoming a 21st-century teacher.   I am planning on using the spiral approach laid out by Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert in The Spiral Playbook. (2017) to focus our learning.  "Creating the conditions in school districts and learning settings where curiosity is encouraged, developed and sustained is essential to opening up thinking, changing practice, and creating dramatically more innovative approaches to learning, teaching and leadership" (p. 9). 

Developing A Hunch:  
  • Our school will benefit if our school adopts a 21st-century teaching approach by integrating STEM into our classrooms and using "freshgrade" to document our learning 
  • Accessing professional development opportunities for school staff and students through Jason Learning and other accessible resources.  
Taking Action:   
  • To integrate STEM/STEAM into our classrooms and use the program freshgrade to document and  report on our learning.  One way of integrating STEAM into our classrooms is to access the program "Let's Talk Science" sponsored by UVIC who "connect educators and youth with outstanding volunteers to deliver a wide variety of meaningful science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning experiences in both school and community settings (
  • To utilize resources in our school that already exist:  Destination Imagination:  Supporting 21st-Century Learning and STEM and Literacy Pathways for Early Learners
  • To share our learning and student success by documenting our progress through freshgrade to deepen our relationship between home and school


  • Provide opportunities for students and educators to reflect and give feedback on presentations given by UVIC'S "Let's Talk Science" program and the "Jason Learning" program.
  • Provide opportunities to discuss and reflect on how the lessons from the STEM resources were delivered and received:  Destination Imagination:  Supporting 21st-Century Learning and STEM and Literacy Pathways for Early Learners 
  • Evaluate how/if freshgrade is being used to document learning
  • Provide opportunities for discussion and feedback about how the program/learning is going.  Troubleshoot possible barriers to learning for both educators and students 


  • Slow down:  focus on one area that is not going to be overwhelming for educators.  Start with one program that is easily accessible, user friendly and encourages enthusiasm.  The "Let's Talk Science" program provides all of the materials required, has volunteer presenters and is accessible in our remote area via zoom and other digital technology
  • Start somewhere:  "Let's Talk Science" is a good starting place as it gives us an idea of what integrating STEM into our classrooms really looks like.  The presentations are completed solely by the presenters.  Educators are there to help guide the learning.  Any equipment/supplies required are provided by the program.  (I have a presentation set up for my class on April 12th 2021 to learn about "Newton's Cars).

  • What are some strengths learners showed in this area?
  • How can we document learning using freshgrade"
  • How can we build on our learners' both educators and students' strengths?
  • What can we most effectively take on next?  More presentations through outside agencies vs. focusing on utilizing resources we have on hand? 
Whichever professional development opportunities our school is interested in, as teacher librarian I would do my best to inspire, encourage, locate resources and embrace opportunities.  I feel that using freshgrade and integrating STEM into our classrooms will help us become 21st-Century educators.  I am hoping that our school team will be enthused about increasing our knowledge about information and communication technology.  


Accessible Resource Centre-British Columbia [Web page]. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Collier, L. (2007).  The shift to 21st-century literacies.  The Council Chronicle:  National Council of Teachers of English, 17(2), 4-8.  Retrieved from

Freshgrade [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Freshgrade:  My class [Web page]. (2021).  Retrieved from

Gehr, L. (2021). How using authentic digital assessments can benefit students [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Google classroom [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Information and communication technology in education [Web page]. (2021).  Retrieved from

Kurzweill 3000 Training [Web page]. (n.d).  Retrieved from 

Kaser, L. & Halbert, J. (2017).  The spiral playbook:  Leading with an inquiring mindset in school systems and schools. C21: Canada Retrieved from 

Let’s talk science [Web page] (n.d.).  Retrieved from  

Nadia Wilson, SD 85, Assistive Technology Assistant, Twitter:

Palmer,  Tsisana. (2015).  15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher:  A teacher reflects on our changing society and how change informs what teaching is like today.  Retrieved from

Real-world STEM education for the classrooms of tomorrow [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from




  1. Well done post exploring some specific tools, approaches and strategies to help your school, community and colleagues as they implement new ICT in their practices. You've identified some very useful and respectful approaches, to 'meet your peers where they are at' and support their own self-identified goals and needs. Your own experiences and results have clearly identified some effective ways to approach and support others. A good, comphrenshive list of tools and apps and platforms to offer and suggest to your peers for exploration and implementation.


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